LB 123 N Neutron Dose Rate Meter
Connected to the neutron probe LB 6411 the LB 123 UMo becomes a very sensitive neutron dose rate monitor for the measurement of the ambient dose equivalent for neutrons. The high response sensitivity of the LB 6411 of about 3 counts per nSv allows a measuring range from 30 nSv/h to 100 mSv/h. For the first time in a commercial neutron monitor, the energy dependence was adapted to the new conversion factors stipulated by ICRP 60.
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LB 126 portable Dose- and Doserate Monitor
Handheld monitor for measurement of ambient dose equivalent H*(10) for photon radiation with energy compensated proportional counter tube LB 6006-H10.
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LB 123 UMo - universal monitor for radiation protection applications
The LB 123 is not just one instrument, but is a complete system of radiation protection instrumentation. It covers measurement of surface contamination, gamma doserate, neutron doserate and activity. A variety of different contamination detectors enables the measurement of alpha/beta-emitters, beta/gamma-emitters and even of tritium.
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LB 123 D-H10 Dose Rate Monitor
The portable dose rate monitor LB 123 D-H10 for measurement of the new quantities ambient dose and ambient dose rate equivalent H*(10), is consisting of the basic evaluation unit LB 1230 UMo and the dose rate probe LB 1236-H10. The dose rate probe LB 1236-H10 ist particularly suitable for low dose rate levels between background up to 10 mSv/h. The LB 123 D-H10 is PTB type approved.
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