LB 147 Personal Contamination Monitor
Radionuclides are widely used in many fields of research, nuclear medicine and in life science. Wherever unsealed radioactive materials are used, radiation protection regulations require contamination monitoring for hands, feet and clothing.
The hand-foot monitor LB 147 is based on innovative scintillation detection technology for the measurement of radioactive contamination due to that it is possible to measure alpha and beta/gamma contaminations simultaneously. The results can be represented in freely selectable units Bq/cm² or in cps.
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LB 148 Personal Contamination Monitor with back of hand measurement
Radionuclides are widely used in many fields of research, nuclear medicine and in life science. Wherever unsealed radioactive materials are used, radiation protection regulations require contamination monitoring for hands, feet and clothing.
The LB 148 is a compact versatile Personal Contamination Monitor for radiation protection applications with back of hand measurement. By means of the new scintillation technology it is possible to measure alpha and beta/gamma contaminations simultaneously but the instrument can also used as pure beta/gamma monitor. The results can be represented in freely selectable units Bq/cm² or in cps.
The LB 148 has a removable hand probe for clothing measurements. A Personnel ID can be made with optional card reader or transponder.
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LB 124 B (Xenon) contamination monitor for β-γ-Measurement
The contamination monitor LB 124 B is a versatile and flexible instrument for practical radiation protection based on well proven Xenon filled proportional counter technology. It can be employed wherever contamination caused by radioactive substances is encountered and has to be monitored.
The LB 124 B has a high sensitivity for beta particles and for gamma and it is especially suited for measurement of photon emitting radionuclides.
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Read more: LB 124 B (Xenon) contamination monitor for β-γ-Measurement

LB 124 SCINT-D Contamination Monitor with Dose Rate Detector
The Contamination Monitor with Dose Rate Detector LB 124 SCINT-D is used to measure radioactive alpha and beta-gamma contaminations on surfaces such as floors, walls, desks, objects, clothing or skin as well as gamma dose rate in ambient dose rate equivalent H*(10).
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Read more: LB 124 SCINT-D Contamination Monitor with Dose Rate Detector