Contamination Monitoring

LB 124 SCINT-D Contamination Monitor with Dose Rate Detector
The Contamination Monitor with Dose Rate Detector LB 124 SCINT-D is used to measure radioactive alpha and beta-gamma contaminations on surfaces such as floors, walls, desks, objects, clothing or skin as well as gamma dose rate in ambient dose rate equivalent H*(10).
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The Contamination Monitor LB 124 SCINT-D is a portable battery-powered instrument. It is comprised of a display unit with microprocessor electronics, a signal processing electronics and a new type of ZnS-scintillator with photomultiplier and an active measurement area of 170 cm². Its sophisticated reflector geometry ensures an extremely flat response over the entire sensitive area.
Through the integration of an additional Geiger-Müller tube it is possible to measure gamma dose rate simultaneous besides regular contamination measurement.
Due to its attractive and ergonomic design and its low weight the LB 124 SCINT-D is easy to handle. Even under adverse conditions, the measured results can be read easily on the large-highly-resolution display with background lightning.
A few directly accessible function keys suffice to operate the LB 124 SCINT-D. The instrument´s surface can be easily decontaminated.
- Lightweight, easy to handle and rugged instrument
- Wide temperature range
Contamination Detector
- Simultaneous and separate measurement of alpha and beta-gamma contamination with a ZnS(Ag)-scintillation detector
- High sensitivity and uniform response
- No counting gas required
Dose Rate Detector
- Detector positioned parallel to the front side of the instrument
- Energy response to H*(10) Ambient Dose Equivalent
- Halogen quenched Geiger-Müller tube
- Dynamic Range: 0.1 μSv/h to 20 mSv/h
- Energy Range: 50 keV to 1.3 MeV
- Alarm threshold for dose rate measurement
- Unit selection: μSv/h
- Dose accumulation is possible