Contamination Monitoring

LB 148 Personal Contamination Monitor with back of hand measurement
Radionuclides are widely used in many fields of research, nuclear medicine and in life science. Wherever unsealed radioactive materials are used, radiation protection regulations require contamination monitoring for hands, feet and clothing.
The LB 148 is a compact versatile Personal Contamination Monitor for radiation protection applications with back of hand measurement. By means of the new scintillation technology it is possible to measure alpha and beta/gamma contaminations simultaneously but the instrument can also used as pure beta/gamma monitor. The results can be represented in freely selectable units Bq/cm² or in cps.
The LB 148 has a removable hand probe for clothing measurements. A Personnel ID can be made with optional card reader or transponder.
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The operation of the LB 148 is very easy by means of the touch panel on the graphical display and the clearly arranged menu structure. The monitor can be switched easily between different lead nuclides before the measurement. Each detector has its own calibration factor for each nuclide and a spillover factor for each alpha nuclide. The input of all parameters is password protected.
The background radiation is continuously monitored for each detector and used to compensate the measurement with the long-term average background value. Before the start of each measurement the background is checked for fluctuations.
The LB 148 complies with the requirements of the international standard IEC 61098. This is true in particular for the detector performance, the manufacturers’ calibration procedures and the determination of efficiencies.
Numerous service functions permit easily measurements for necessary periodical tests. These include automatic plateau measurement, calibration routines for all detectors and a fast system test.
Up to 1750 measuring data can be stored and transferred via USB, Ethernet, RS 232 or RS 485 to an external computer. A simple communication protocol permits the integration into a measuring network.
Two optional external signal lights indicate the state of operation and/or exceeding of an alarm threshold. If requested, a gate can be released if no contamination is detected.
- ZnS(Ag)-scintillation detectors
- Simultaneous back of hand measurement with automatically moving back of hand detector for optimal measurement geometry
- Space-saving design
- High detector efficiencies
- Removable hand probe for clothing measurement
- Simple operation with graphic display and touch display
- USB, Ethernet, RS 232 and RS 485 interface
- Service functions (plateau, calibration, systematic test,…)
- Permanent data memory for 1750 measuring data
- Extensive nuclide library
- Card reader/transponder for access control
- Double password hierarchy