Dose and Dose Rate Monitoring

LB 123 D-H10 Dose Rate Monitor
The portable dose rate monitor LB 123 D-H10 for measurement of the new quantities ambient dose and ambient dose rate equivalent H*(10), is consisting of the basic evaluation unit LB 1230 UMo and the dose rate probe LB 1236-H10. The dose rate probe LB 1236-H10 ist particularly suitable for low dose rate levels between background up to 10 mSv/h. The LB 123 D-H10 is PTB type approved.
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LB 123 UMo as Dose Rate Monitor
The portable dose rate monitor LB 123 D-H10 for measurement of the new quantities ambient dose and ambient dose rate equivalent H*(10), is consisting of the basic evaluation unit LB 1230 UMo and the dose rate probe LB 1236-H10.
The dose rate probe LB 1236-H10 ist particularly suitable for low dose rate levels between background up to 10 mSv/h. The probe consists of an energy compensated proportional counter tube, an amplifier with discriminator and a high-voltage-unit.
The dose rate probe is PTB type approved in combination with the basic unit LB 1230 UMo.
The LB 1230 UMo can work in ratemeter mode or in counter-time mode. The indication unit of the dose rate can be selected in "µSv/h" or "cps".
A radioactive check source, LB 7452 with 0.185 MBq Cs-137, can be used for checking the detector response, the performance of calibrated measurements - to extend the validity of the calibration (licence required).
A wall bracket incorporating a mains-connection unit permits stationary, continous operation, e. g. as a local dose rate measuring system, as well as operation with rechargeable batteries. However, even in such a configuration the LB 123 can be removed from the wall bracket and used as a portable instrument.
The basic module LB 1230 is capable of storing data and of downloading it via a serial interface either directly to a printer or to a PC. Data-communication is possible when a computer is connected.
The LB 123 D-H10 is operated via a 5-button membrane keypad comprising one On/Off button and four softkeys. This ensures clear user guidance via the display even for complex operations and provides a level of convenience and reliability which was hitherto unavailable in portable instruments. The display is a high-contrast dot-matrix display with background illumination. Universal application of the instrument and programming via softkeys are possible only due to the high flexibility of this display. For example, different units can be selected for the measured values, such as mSv/h or mrem/h.
Features of Dose rate monitor
- Suitable to measure low dose rate levels (from background to 10 mSv/h)
- Measurement of the new quantities ambient dose and ambient dose rate equivalent H*(10)
- Easy operation by means of 5 softkeys
- Automatic detector identification
- Optical and acoustical indication
- Free selectable alarm thresholds for dose and dose rate
- Data memory
- Interface for PC and printer
- PTB type approved