Water Quality DO and Multiparameter meters

Handheld Multi-parameter Water Quality Meter
The newly released multi-parameter handheld set measures dissolved oxygen, conductivity, turbidity, pH, ORP, and Temperature in a single Smart-Meter. The Smart-Meter can communicate with Android devices through a bluetooth connection, such as smart phones and tablets. Smart Meter App software makes many user applications very easy and intuitive.
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The meter can simultaneously connect one digital dissolved oxygen sensor, one analogue pH, and a temperature sensor.
Smart Meter
Yosemite Technologies have developed a smart Meter capable of connecting with Android based devices.
Combining optical sensing and mobile internet technologies, Yosemitech brings innovative and cost competitive solutions to the water quality monitoring market.
Smart Meter App
Smart Meter App is an application software developed by Yosemite Technologies. The application supports Android based devices such smart phones and tablets. This app fundamentally changed how data are acquired, processed and communicated, bringing a new better user experience to water quality monitoring market.
- Be able to measure DO, pH, and temperature sensor simultaneously
- Lifetime based optical DO sensor with drift of less than 1% per year
- Automatic DO barometer pressure compensation
- 128x64 LCD back lit display
- Wireless bluetooth communication
- Supporting data storage and user calibration
- Allows user to take photo and log position information, and email pictures and data instantly