Labfit Laboratory Automation

Labfit Automated pH/EC/Titration
The Labfit AS3020 Robotic pH and EC meter automates your soil and water testing requirements and it can be configured to suit any ASTM/ISO method.
The Robotic pH and electro-conductivity analyser from Labfit is fast and accurate and has provision for up to 180 soil or water samples. This efficient pH and EC testing machine can measure the electrical conductivity first before testing the pH in the water or soil conductivity, which ensures that the pH electrode KCl solution does not interfere with the EC measurement.
Control your EC testing
Measure water and soil electrical conductivity easily and effectively by using our specified instruments. With our AS3020 Robotic pH and EC analyser the pH and Conductivity, electrodes are easily interchangeable; the system determines when the electrodes are starting to degrade and prompts the user to change them. The AS3020 Robotic automated pH analyser has auto ranging EC electrode capabilities so it identifies what type of EC electrode is currently connected to the system. The EC electrode that comes with the Robotic pH and EC analyser has an Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) electrode and the software will adjust the pH or EC values as necessary, based on the temperature reading on the ATC EC electrode.
Automated conditional pH EC electrode calibration
The AS3020 automated pH analyser offers much better measurement control than our competitors including the ability to calibrate the pH electrode to predefined constraints so you can rest assured that your results are always quality guaranteed. The conditional parameter configured within the method, allows you to instruct the AS3020 Robotic pH and EC testing machine when to perform a calibration check on the electrodes and upon a calibration check failure, to re-calibrate the pH electrode automatically.
To add a quality control or standard into the system, you only have to click the desired sample location and select either “set as QC or set as standard” from the pop up menu. The system can even import your QC or standard location from a LIMS file using the intelligent Labfit LIMS connector where you map the LIMS fields once only.
Robotic pH and conductivity analyser
Output to mS or uS
Read pH before EC
Automated calibration for both pH and EC electrodes
Labfit LIMS connectivity
Automatic K=0.1, K=1.0 & K=10 detection
At Labfit, our aim is to bring you a product that is practical and accurate. The testing instruments we provide will give you ease of use and peace of mind.