Microplate Readers

Twinkle Microplate Fluorometer
A dedicated fluorometer using an optimized design for a variety of measurement modes to support academic and pharmaceutical research centers.
- kinetics
- scanning
- dual ratio measurements
- top reading
- bottom reading
- temperature control
The multiple modes make Twinkle a valuable instrument for any researcher using fluorescence in life science.
The measurement of different plate formats, e.g. up to 384 well microplates, filters, petri dishes or Terasaki plates is possible.
The high quality design is well suited for sensitive FRET assays.
Temperature Control
The instrument can be equipped with temperature control to establish ideal conditions for all cell based applications.
Fluorescence Optics
The Twinkle LB 970 Fluorometer provides highest sensitivity due to Single Photon Counting technology and extremely low noise Photomultiplier. For excitation a Tungsten halogen lamp is used. The instrument is standard equipped with filter pairs for FITC and Umbilliferone.
The fluorescence reading can be taken from the bottom or the top. The bottom reading is instrument of choice for measurements of adherent cells, coloured medium and lids to achieve the most efficient detection.
Especially in cell applications samples are heterogenously spread in the well. To measure the complete area, up to 100 individual measuremet points can be defined within the same well.
3 modes each with variable speed of the integrated shaker to enhance mixing and optimise sample distribution before measurement in long term kinetics.
Kinetic measurements can be performed up to 7 days.