Gamma Counter

Multi Crystal LB 2111 Gamma Counter
A robust workhorse for RIA
The Multi Crystal LB 2111 gamma counter is a compact, robust and easy-to-use instrument for most applications where gamma-emitting isotopes, e.g. 125I or 51Cr, are used.
The instrument can be operated in a stand-alone mode or it can be hooked to a personal computer. The Multi Crystal LB 2111 gamma counter is available as a 12 detector unit. To increase throughput a second detector block may be added resulting in a 24 detector instrument.
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High Throughput with 12 or 24 detectors
Sample throughput is high as 12 tubes (or even 24 tubes with the extended model) can be measured at a time, i.e. 200 samples can be measured within 17 min with a 1 min counting time per sample.
The 12 detectors are made of high-quality NaI well-type crystal providing best measurement geometry for gamma emitters located in the sample tubes. The crystals cover an energy range up to 500 KeV - suitable for the common isotopes, e.g. 125I, 57Co, 59Fe, 51Cr and 99Tc.
Lead Shielding for low crosstalk
A thick lead shielding of 6 mm around each of the detectors, i.e. in total 12 mm of lead between the detectors, efficiently prevents crosstalk between the samples.
Sample Racks
The sample racks facilitate loading of 12 samples at a time in a most convenient way. With multiple racks all samples of a measurement campaign can be prepared in advance.
The sample rack concept has another important advantage: in case a tube is contaminated on the outside the contamination is never carried on to the instrument. The racks themselves can be cleaned and decontaminated.